Sunday, June 3, 2007

Babes with Hot Personalities

Justice Fo All.


dirty said...

Uhhh...Where am I?

Anonymous said...

They are wearing too much clothes.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure those babes are anorexic. Is that a spot of barf I see on the pink carpet?

Jenn said...

Who are these girls? Too bad they have a combined IQ of's such a shame.

Herr Krokodil said...


I know 10-years ago you were super hot and you're still hot for amiddle age woman.


I kinda like clothes.

Doozie and Emma,

I'd give either one of them my car for 30 seconds of wild sex.

dirty said...

I wasn't aware that 27 was middle aged...time sure does fly.

Anonymous said...


Ouch, 27 is a great age. I feel dirty conversing with a 27-year-old. Can we pretend you're 29?

I was reading today where more and more colleges are offering on-line college degrees.

I go to a gym in the middle of the day and there are these hot women there who drive cars as nice as mine and one time I struck up a conversation and asked what they did, they were strippers and they made great money.

dirty said...

I'll be 28 next month...let's pretend I'm 24.

Are you suggestion I become a stripper? Because I think I'd excel in this profession.

Anonymous said...


Stripping is an art. At a respectable stripping establishment you could make a bundle. Just curious, do you have a trampoline in your back yard?

dirty said...

As a matter of fact I do. I used to cheer lead also.

I need to work on my ability to be limber again.

The last time I went to a strip club I spent $300...good times.

Anonymous said...


I was hoping you were a cheerleader. You have all the qualities. If you have one of those big blue pools next to the trampoline that is held up by the water inside it I'm going to faint.

I feel like this is a viable plan.

My skin is so white that the light in a strip club makes me look like a smurf.

Anonymous said...


you aint got no alibi, you're're UGLY

dirty said...

The old hippy behind our house has an in-ground pool within a jump of a reach. If I buy him beer, he will let me swim there.

Herr Krokodil said...


When I was unjured and sitting on the bench I memorized all the cheers and that was on of my favorites. Chicks love it when you know cheers.


I should have just looked at your pictures shouldn't I have? Your kids are adorable, you are a lucky woman with nice jeans.

dirty said...

My kids appear adorable...don't let that fool you...they are trying to kill me.

Thanks though.

I only buy jeans that make my crotch look good.

Herr Krokodil said...


Sounds like your kids are normal then.

I believe you about the jeans. I have to wear jeans with 3-legs, just sayin.