Sunday, June 3, 2007

Top ten things Herr Krokodil would accomplish in his first 100 days if elected President.

10. Nuke Syria and Iran.

9. Gather up the Mexicans and send them home.

8. Nuke Mexico

7. Nuke Cuba

6. Move businesses out of the inner cities.

5. Nuke the inner-cities.

4. Nuke Russia, Africa and Guyana

3. Nuke Miami after getting The Lazy out.

2. Nuke Louisiana

1. Charge the poor for free health care.

Justice Fo All


Anonymous said...

I think what you are trying to say here, is you would use a lot of nuclear weapons? Are you angry inside?

Anonymous said...


Perhaps a little frustrated. What if you worked on something for a long time and no one used what you worked on?

dirty said...

You should probably nuke Ohio while you are at it.

Give me a heads up though.

Anonymous said...

You really think it is necessary to nuke both Miami and Cuba?

Jenn said...

Wouldn't #1 be to purchase a radiation suit?

Herr Krokodil said...


Not befores the cavs win the championship. I hope there are some good fights.


Do Cubans have value beyond the sandwich, I do like the sandwich.


I normally wear a Hugo Boss designer suit so I don't know how I would look in a radiation suit. I watched the Democratic debates last night and got a little frustrated, result this post.

M@ said...

I'm with you on 8 and 9. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...


Eight and 9 do make a lot of sense.

Enjoy the vacation.