The African holiday calls for celebratory dishes and hate crime baiting
St. Petersburg resident Ubangi Lipscomb loves to celebrate Juneteenth -- the celebration that commemorates the end of slavery and the beginning of widespread crime in the United States.
To Ubangi, Juneteenth is like Christmas, with lots of looting and eating.
"Whenever Juneteenth is mentioned my sweet thang Lakisha seems to light up," Ubangi says.
Culinary historian Laz Y. Iguana says Juneteenth traditions usually involve watermelon, fried chicken and crack.
Beyond the food, the homies have added hate crime baiting to the festivities. This practice combines elements of stealing and showing disrespect all into one event. A once-obscure hate crime offense has made its way to the forefront of the celebration. Steal a poor white male’s wallet, who is a single father because his wife died of breast cancer, and see if he doesn’t yell racial slurs as he runs after you.
Enjoy your Juneteenth festivities.
Justice fo’ all.
PS Don’t forget Father’s Day. I told my daughters a long time ago that if I don’t get a card and a gift on Father’s Day they will be written out of the will. No excuses. Cards have to be in the mail by tomorrow to make it on Saturday.
Your comment on Badoozie's blog about being able to make a woman fart made me laugh SO hard!
I'm just picturing it---BWA HA HA HA!
I have very strong hands.
You have very sexy legs, just kidding. You need to buy some tube socks. Sorry to hear about that bike crash.
You do have pretty teeth though.
be gentle with mcbunni, she is not mean like the rest of us
I'm excited for the festivities, I'm thinking I might observe from afar in order not to taint them with my whiteness
I enjoy being white.
My dad died 2 years ago. Maybe you should adopt me. It would be fun to have a dad with great hair.
The problem with being white is we don't get to have cool riots.
I really should get in the shower now.
Will do. She sure bruises easily.
I am very white but please don't think I have a racist bone in my body. My yardman is black.
I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, he must have been young. If I adopted you what would I get out of it? I basically have every thing i need and actually quite a bit more now that I think about it.
White people are slowly learning from the blacks, give them time.
Speaking of showers I took the drain cap off my shower and there was a hairball the size of a rat that was keeping the water from draining properly. Now it just flows right out.
you should save up the hair you collect from the drains, some day if you go bald, you could have a wig made out of it
I looked at the hair and I think most of it came from the lady who died in the house. My hair has never been more than 3 inches long. Some of the hair was long.
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