Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This made me laugh

Justice fo' all


The Lazy Iguana said...

I hope that guy has a very good job and does not live in a trailer in Arkansas. His wife sounds very trailer-y to me.

4 babies at the same time = 4 of EVERYTHING at the same time.

That is my worst nightmare. Gotta use multiple layers of protection to prevent that from happening.

dirty said...

I hate babies.

Anonymous said...

The Lazy,

Babies are a long term commitment that's for sure. They're expensive too. Also the woman is never thin again unless you're like the slut Dirty.


I hear you girl. Luckily for me my wife stayed home with the girls. Once you have kids you never stop worrying about them even after they have moved out on their own.

Anonymous said...


I forgot to ask are your tubes tied?

dirty said...


Anonymous said...


I'm so forgetful did you say your other nickname was bush or miss smooth?

dirty said...

Miss Smooth...I have hard wood floors and I prefer the back door fuck you very much.

Anonymous said...


You just made me spit out some diet beverage on my Ireland Drinking Team t-shirt.

How much would I have to pay you a year for you to be a sex slave? I'm gonna post a link to the contract, read it over and get back to me.

Anonymous said...

words escape me

Herr Krokodil said...


You're jealous.