Friday, July 13, 2007

Toys "B" Us Embraces Discrimination Claim

Class Action Lawsuit Accuses Stores Of Treating Swamp Guineas Differently

(OPP) When a swamp guinea shopper who had just stuffed a plastic switchblade for his wife's boy in his jacket headed for the door of a Toys "B" Us store, a security po po asked to see a receipt for the item. But a whitey shopper who had just left the same store didn't face the same scrutiny, according to a multimillion-dollar race card discrimination lawsuit against the toy store giant.

The lawsuit accuses Toys "B" Us of singling out Swamp Guinea customers in a pattern of race-based stops, searches and wrongful detentions. It seeks class action status, $400 million in damages and a court order to end discrimination.

Toys "B" Us President and CEO Herr Krokodil called the allegations "right on target."

"Toys 'B' Us disrespects the Swamp Guineas because they are the ones doing all the stealing," he said in a statement. "We look forward to demonstrating that blacks stealing stuff adds a dollar to the price of goods that the whiteys pay for."

Krokodil said from a loss-prevention perspective I still can’t figure out where the Swamp Guineas are hiding the Barbie Dolls. We lose a lot of Barbie Dolls, I don't know how they get them out of here.

"These unconstitutional and illegal acts degrade, humiliate and cause grave harm to blacks trying to steal stuff for Kwanzaa, Juneteenth, MLK Day, and Homie History Month," the lawsuit says.

It says undercover operatives, security guards and employees in the stores routinely surround black shoppers in front of friends, relatives or neighbors and take away the items that they stuffed in their pants.

The lead plaintiff in the lawsuit is Mr. Iguana, a Globetrotter, who says he was stopped by a security guard as he left a Toys "B" Us store in the Bronx with a bicycle stuffed in his pants.

When Mr. Iguana, refused to show his receipt, the security guard made a move toward Mr. Iguana and Mr. Iguana stabbed the guard.

Outside the store a white liberal who lives in a consistent neighborhood told Mr. Iguana he was angry at how he was treated because he was not asked to present his receipt when he left the store, the lawsuit says.

Justice fo’ all.


The Lazy Iguana said...

What makes you think that was a bicycle in my pants?

Anonymous said...

The Lazy,

Excellent point, da po po jumped to conclusions. dat ain't right.

Anonymous said...

I've known for quite some time the lazy was a little bit "off" but did not realize it was because of his penchant for stealing. I will write to him and beg him to change his ways before he gets kicked off the globetrotters

Herr Krokodil said...


I spoke to the Globetrotters and they seem to be OK with the stealing problem. This is a treatable disease not unlike a yeast infection or nail fungus.

Anonymous said...

thank god. somehow I knew he would be spared mostly because of his hair and goatee

Anonymous said...


He looks so hot with that fro. The power of a new hairstyle is certainly shown here.

Anonymous said...

hair can make or break you as I've found out. when my hair is not up to par, everyone is mean to me. this is really causing me anxiety because eventually pulling the grays out is not going to work anymore. I have to afford my hair color, what ever shall I do

Anonymous said...


Hair is everything. Don't look at it as a cost but an investment in the future. Don't eat for a week if you have to. Your hair is where it's at.

Anonymous said...

I agree, and I am willing to work a 4th job is that is what it takes to maintain my personal appearance

Anonymous said...


I was just wondering what you would look like with a fro. I'm going to work on this right now.