Thursday, July 12, 2007

Workers Free Nude Woman Trapped In Sewer Pipe

Washington Workers Get Creative To Free Woman Trapped In Sewer Pipe

(OPP) The sound of whining underneath a street Tuesday led a team of city workers to a woman trapped in a narrow culvert _ and you might say they used a backdoor approach to rescue the woman.

The hot, sweaty, scared woman was about 50 feet from the nearest entry point, but since the culvert was just 32 inches in diameter, the workers couldn't fit into it themselves. Not even offers of food and hair products could draw out the woman.

"She was exhausted," said Herr Krokodil, a public works foreman.

Then Krokodil had an idea. They rigged up a long video camera used to inspect drain pipes, and approached the woman from her buttocks. They used the camera to nudge the woman forward.

The camera recorded the rescue, showing the woman sweating and moaning as the camera entered her anal cavity revealing a small polyp. The woman kept yelling don’t stop you sexy sanitation workers. The woman was eventually pushed out by the camera.

The woman’s boyfriend, a fireman, "thought his girlfriend might have entered the culvert to save the beagle that lived downstairs,“ the fireman said.

The city workers were just glad they could tell the woman about the polyp in her colon, but Krokodil said it was the first time he'd helped rescue a nude woman out of the sewer in his 25 years with the city.

"Doozie got very excited when she saw her fireman boyfriend," Krokodil said.

Justice fo’ all.


dirty said...

Why was she nude?

Is the fireman 19?

Herr Krokodil said...


I think she was high on crack. No the fireman was 48 but still had most of his hair and his neck was real hairy.

dirty said...

Crack is whack.

Do you ever wear a name tag that reads "herpes lives here"?

Anonymous said...

I know how she feels about her fireman, luckily mine is only 41, has NO hair on his neck and kisses really good

The Lazy Iguana said...

I hope she took a few courtesy showers.

Anonymous said...


To avoid this I've always dated married women. Keeping disease free is important to me.


Did you save the beagle hon? I shave my neck every week.

Anonymous said...

The Lazy,

Oh my not a golden shower, no no.