Saturday, June 2, 2007

Day Lilies to Compete with Saur's Flowers

Justice Fo All.


dirty said...

I need more crack.

Why don't I have that many flowers?

Anonymous said...

Dirty - if yo steal Krokodil's flowers and be sellin dem on the street you can get some flow to be buyin my crack

Anonymous said...

crack is back. your car is hot. do women stare at you for other reasons than your gas cap being off?

Anonymous said...


Does your name have a meaning? It's so funny how I'm known as the boy in the Day Lilie house. My Day Lilies grow like weeds.


The Homies normally steal the ones out at the road. If they come beyond the gate that would be disrespectful.


Every time I go out people wonder who I am. Some people walk up to me and ask who I am and I lie.

dirty said...

My name does have a meaning.

I went to call someone a "dork" once back in high school and said "dirt". People ended up calling me dirty from that moment on.

Jenn said...

Where are the flowers? I only see a sweet ride?

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry to hear to have a speach impediment. Do you spit when you talk?


It is fun to ride on the challenging roads in NC. I was trying to buff out the key job someone gave me. I think I'm going to have it repainted. I'm going with silver again though.

Anonymous said...

Did you try macquires fine cut cleaner?

Jenn said...

I've been to google with my ISP finding skilz.

It's very pretty out there. Makes you want to golf.

Anonymous said...

Oh, was that me? No, I would never look up an ISP out of curiosity. Should I give you your GNIS heading?

Herr Krokodil said...


It had to be a fat Homie because it's deep.


Where am I, I know my ISP says Raleigh RR is that what you get too? GNIS heading I don't know what that is? If it's my name, no thank you.

Herr Krokodil said...


I just went to the GNIS site. You'd better just tell me because I'll never figure that out.