Monday, June 4, 2007

The Importance Of Being Good With a Knife

Another Vietnam story. Just like today you can't tell the difference between a Homie that's going to stab you and a Homie that's going to pop a cap in you, it was hard to distinguish a Vietcong from a Vietnamese. We had befriended what we thought was a Vietnamese guy who would give us shaves. Well I noticed that each time he came and gave us shaves our ammunition supply would be bombed that night. Something fishy is going on here. So I stabbed him after my next shave and no more direct hits on the ammunition supply.

Justice Fo All.


Anonymous said...

Preach it! Wow, I'm so inspired to continue collecting knives. If they did this, the homies doing drive by shootings would have to use some knife throwing skills, so a kill would mean even more to them

M@ said...

No shit?

Anonymous said...


Do you have any plastic knives? They work as well as a metal one as long as you know where to place it. They're a lot lighter too.


I didn't want to kill him because he gave good shaves but I wanted to go home and I needed the ammo to keep me from getting stabbed.

The Lazy Iguana said...

We ought to make Chris Rock the Mayor of Detroit.

I bought a plastic knife at a gun show. It is made out of the same plastic that Glocks are made from. I do not think there is any metal in it at all. I never used it and do not even know where it is right now.

Anonymous said...

lazy needs to locate that knife in case there is an outbreak of violence due to summer storm stress. I don't want to use a plastic knife, I'm afraid it will snap off before it reaches its goal

Jenn said...

Maybe you needed to lynch him in the evening and tie him to the ammo dump.

How much did you love having your locks shaved off?

Jenn said...

And yes, that is my new profile pic and yes, that is my hair.

Herr Krokodil said...

The Lazy,

He is mayor material. More and more of the thugs are killing people with plastic knives, it's scary.


When a hurricane comes the Homies are going to sail off in the Lazy's boat. I just hate it when those knives snap when you're cutting a piece of tape.


I love the color. You remind me of Lindsay Lohan.

I wish you would post a full head shot.

Today I ran into a woman who had your color hair. To accessorize her new dew she bought some cool eyeglasses. Rectangular front with thick tortois shell sides. The whole look got me somewhat worked up.

You look great.